Monday, November 12, 2007

Finally I would like to wish

Are you being upset when I still come to see you?
You look as if you're asking : “Why are you here?”
The expression in your eyes tells me that you want me to leave.
Do you know that I'm hurt and distressed just like you?
Do you know that I'm in a dilemma over what I'm going to tell you all?
Whatever I've overdone today, can you forgive me?
I come here with concern, being here not that long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you've had a hard past...i can see when i look into your beautiful eyes.
the pain that you do not show, is so clearly visible to me.
that that is the past, and we can not change.
but to hide your feeling, is not the way to go...saying that you are used to the pain, and making yourself numb is not the right answer.

you know where to find me...and you know im always here. in times of joy, i shall laugh with you. in times of sorrow, i shall cry with you.

you are not alone.
